Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Love

If you are reading this, you most likely know how much I love music. Like the dude in Chariots of Fire, when I play (or listen to) music, I feel God's pleasure.

I have been reading Eric Clapton's autobiography for the last week or two, and that has put me into a mood for learning from the legends. I have been listening to more Clapton than normal, along with other blues-rockers. I especially like it because it's not difficult stuff, but it sounds good.

My favorite Christmas present was this: a guitar tab book that came out along with Clapton's autobiography. My brother and sister got it for me, and I love it. It has all the guitar parts tabbed out, and I spent a few hours last night playing through a couple songs.

Merry Christmas, everybody. And have a happy New Year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I just finished a week-long fast from many types of media.  I got to spend much time reading, and playing guitar, but none writing.  I had high hopes of writing this week, but I get so easily lost playing.  Maybe after exams are over, I'll sit down with my thoughts...maybe.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tues Reviews

Today was one of those days I didn't get everything I wanted accomplished, but things I didn't expect to do were done.  I didn't get (or I haven't yet gotten) a chance to sit down and write music.  However, I did clean and vacuum my apartment.  For anyone that knows me and has been to my apartment, this was a HUGE deal.  I also did not get to work today seeing as it has rained, at times very hard, all day since I finished my meetings this morning.  But I did buy some new music.

The first is Ryan Adam's Gold from 2001.  I had heard "New York, New York" just before 9/11, but I never really paid attention.  After the album was recommended by a friend of mine, I decided to give it a shot.  I have been pleased.  Adam's acoustic-rock is fantastic, and at times almost country.  If you like rock and country (or even just a little of both), this is something to give a chance.  I love it when someone recommends music to me and they are right!

Next on the list is Coldplay's EP follow up to Viva La Vida.  I loved VLV, but there were things I felt were missing.  Coldplay filled in the gaps with Prospekt's March.  There are lyrics to "Life in Technicolor."  The first time I heart "Lost" I thought Jay-Z was going to come in for the second verse.  Here, Jay-Z himself does come in in the second verse - funny how that worked out.  If you haven't purchased VLV already, get the expanded version with Prospekt's March on there too.

Finally, I got Britney Spears' "Womanizer."  Maybe I like it because I have been a womanizer in the past.  Maybe it's just a fun song that I don't have to think about too much.  Either way, I enjoy it.  Poke fun if you like, I'm not changing my mind.  It was $.99 well spent.

Give these music selections a go, and let me know what you think.  If you have any music you think I would enjoy, I covet your recommendations.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Music Christmas List

There are several albums and songs I have on my list.  You might call me crazy for some of the things I have down, but that is because I am crazy.

Ryan Adams - Gold
Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger
Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
Britney Spears - Womanizer
Shontelle - T-shirt
The National - Boxer

I'm sure there are others, but that's all that come to mind for now.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Music

I have gotten out the holiday tunes.

It's after Thanksgiving, so it's ok now.

Before Thanksgiving is too early.

And I put up my Christmas decorations...most of them.